Join Our Focus Group Team

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Thank you for your interest in participating in our legal and market research projects. All identifying information is kept strictly confidential and will never be shared with anyone not directly associated with SCB Research. You will never be contacted by anyone not part of SCB Research.

Please fill out the following forms:



    Never MarriedMarriedSeparatedDivorcedWidowedLiving with significant other

    White/CaucasianHispanicAfrican AmericanAsian AmericanNative AmericanOther

    Some high schoolHigh school diploma or GEDVocational/Technical schoolSome college courses or Associate's DegreeCollege DegreeGraduate Degree

    LiberalConservativeMiddle of the road


    Less than $25,000$25,000 to $50,000$51,000 to $74,000$75,000 to $100,000$101,000 to $300,000Greater than $300,000









    What is a focus group?

    A focus group is a group interview involving a wide range of participants to help better understand their perspectives and experiences on a topic. Some of our focus groups are conducted in person and some are conducted on-line using the Zoom platform.

    Who is the ideal participant?

    Anyone and everyone! We are searching for perspectives from a wide range of participants from all sorts of backgrounds and age ranges.

    Am I obligated to participate?

    Not at all. After submission, your application will be part of our pool of participants. When an opportunity arises we will reach out to you about the details of the focus group, from there you will be free to decide whether you want to participate or not. The choice is yours.

    Will I get paid?

    We compensate all particpants for the time they spend participating in our research focus groups.

    About SCB Research

    SCB Research is a privately held market research company that works with professionals to understand legal and market issues relevant to those professionals. Just as we keep focus group participant information confidential we also keep the confidentiality of the clients and people for whom we work.

    Contact us at